
What is your reaction to Chief Justice Roberts’ visit to campus today?

‘The fact that he’s here is a tribute to the profile and the reputation of the Newhouse School. It shows you how well regarded Newhouse is.’

Pat McCueNewspaper and political science majorClass of ’85

‘I’m very honored that Syracuse University was able to invite him and entice him to come. That’s an honor for all of us. I think there are probably very few schools that are in a position to attract him.’

Lawrence Mason Jr.Fashion photography professor

‘I found his remark right before the ribbon-cutting about using your free speech rights responsibly to be very interesting because who gets to decide what’s responsible?

Well, from his speech up at Hendricks, it’s clear it’s the independent judiciary that gets to decide whether the speech is responsible or not.’

Bradley GorhamCommunications professor

‘I’m honored that he would take the time to come and do it. I mean, here he is, the leader of one of the three branches of government – and Lyndon Johnson, of course, dedicated the first Newhouse building – and having the chief justice here I thought was just spectacular. I thought it was an honor and whether you agree or disagree so much with the direction of the court, I think it still says a lot about the value of the Newhouse School, the value of communication, the value of media to the country.’

Dennis KinseyDirector of Public Diplomacy Program

‘I think he’s the perfect speaker for the dedication of this building. In the current media world, we don’t think a lot about the foundation of the first amendment; we think about how do we get it on the air, how do we make it interesting…but we don’t think about the foundation of why we can do what we do and how important the First Amendment is. His presence plus the words wrapped around the building hopefully resonate with people about the value of the First Amendment in what we do.’

Mike TiricoClass of ’88ESPN Sportscaster

‘His presence here symbolized the importance of mass communications. It symbolized just how important it is that we have an unfettered press, the ability to question authority and also independence with every branch of government. I found his showing up to a dedication for a building of public communications to speak volumes about how important it is that we continue to assert the freedom of citizens in a democracy to question their leaders.’

Bob LloydNewhouse professor of practice

‘I think the fact that he came speaks to his commitment to what the school is intending to emphasize in terms of the First Amendment. He spoke about it and he stuck with us through the whole day to participate in a program. I think it’s given us a good feeling about the fact that he’s in charge of our judicial system.’

Don LockettTelevision, radio and film majorClass of ’74Newhouse III donor

‘I thought he was very powerful. I thought he encapsulated everything that Newhouse stood for, and his speech was terrific to listen to, and it gave me a better feeling about politics, just looking at him and listening to him. He just commanded the audience, and it was powerful to watch something like that happen to be here. I remember pictures of Johnson doing the dedication of Newhouse I. I came here in ’72 and I said, ‘Wow, that must have been a terrific and engaging event.’ I was glad to be a part of this moment in history.’

Bob GautieriTelevision, radio and filmClass of ’76Newhouse III donor

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