SA’s 51st Session swears in

Student Association President Ryan Kelly announced his plans to increase communication between students and SA in his swearing-in speech last night.

SA representatives and invited guests met at the Goldstein Alumni & Faculty Center Sunday at 6:30 p.m. for the 51st Installation Ceremony, the official swearing-in for SA President Ryan Kelly, Comptroller Mike Rizzolo and members of the assembly.

During the ceremony, Kelly briefly outlined in a speech his plans for the upcoming year. He said he and others had worked during Winter Break to make sure SA hit the ground running.

He said he hopes students will come to know SA representatives as representatives of their colleges by the end of the 51st session, and will be able to approach them with questions.

Some of his plans are to collaborate more with the Residence Hall Association and to further improve the Goldstein Student Center on South Campus by extending its hours of operation, as well as perhaps extending the hours of other dining centers, Kelly said.

Kelly also spoke about recently attending a Syracuse Common Council meeting along with several other SA representatives.

‘For the first time ever, we’re taking a step off the Hill,’ he said.

Refreshments were served before the ceremony. After nearly an hour of relaxed conversation, the audience, which included student leaders and SU administrators, were seated and the process began.

SA Recorder Brandon Mathieu opened the event by welcoming everyone. He then introduced Bobby Patrick VI, speaking in place of former SA President Wayne Horton, who was unable to attend.

Patrick spoke about SA’s 50th Session. He said when the student body voted Horton in, they wanted to make a change.

‘The students needed to know they could rely on SA,’ he said.

He mentioned that much work was still needed and expressed his hope that the 51st Session could not only build a better Syracuse University, but also a better city of Syracuse.

President elect Kelly came to the podium next.

After his speech, Kelly introduced Board of Elections Chair Krystal Beavers, who conducted the swearing-in part of the ceremony.

Comptroller Mike Rizzolo was sworn in first. Then, Beavers asked all attending SA representatives to stand and raise their right hands to be sworn in as well.

‘I feel like I’m getting married,’ Kelly joked when Beavers announced it was his turn.

Following his swearing in, Kelly thanked everyone for attending and asked them to partake in more refreshments.

‘Life is uncertain; eat dessert first,’ Kelly said in his parting words.

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