Coverage provided by Daily Orange impressive

So the semester is finally over and the last issue of The Daily Orange for this year is out. I must say it has been a good semester. As this is my first semester as The D.O.’s public editor I have been impressed with the overall coverage this newspaper has provided.

Sure, there have been a few issues that the readers have brought to my attention. There was the cartoon controversy; the reporters misquoting sources issue; concerns about inconsistencies in coverage of the SA; and the issue of more diverse coverage in the newspaper. I have addressed these issues in my columns and will continue to address your issues as they are brought to my attention. I take my job seriously and I always want to make sure that I am serving you the readers to the best of my ability.

For the semester in review, I will say The D.O. has done a great job of sports coverage and commentary. The articles have been informative and entertaining. There was a particular piece in Tuesday’s issue that talked about steroids in college sports and what the National Collegiate Athletic Association is doing about it. The coverage of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) week was very informative and provided The D.O. audience with diverse content.

There have been serious stories written, dealing with the multiple safety alerts on campus and the new human papillary virus vaccine that is available at the campus health center. It’s stories like these that display the talented student journalists and how they care about their audience. Creating my position and putting a survey together for you the audience to take so you can rate the performance of the newspaper shows that they want to improve and be a viable source to you the reader.

This semester has been successful for The D.O. and next semester will be even better. Just remember if there is something you think the paper is doing wrong or right let me know, so I can address the issue. The D.O. is supposed to serve you, the Syracuse University community, and for them to improve and be aware of what their audience needs, we need to hear from you.

Shannon Pittman-Price is the public editor for The Daily Orange. E-mail her at [email protected].

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